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Just Don't Quit

Good morning, I enjoy having more time to write and create. I love what I do and I love doing it all the time. When you do what you love it truly is not work, it is joy. Make sure you are making time to do the things you love, it is so important. We have a small window of time to enjoy our life and then we transition to a different state of being. I just lost an aunt who I haven't seen in a few years, but the impact she had on my life was great. She enjoyed her life. She told me to do the same and to make sure I was happy no matter what I do or who I'm with. She lived 93 years and had abundance of love, money and good health. Y.O.L.O. and you don't have a prescribed death date.

As promised here is an excerpt from our second book soon to be released, "Now What?"
This book is about designing a life that you choose. Living out loud is making a decision to be who you have become with the choices you have been faced with that gave you the wanting that you have come to desire. Living out loud means you are free to be you. Living out loud means you are enjoying your life in the moment, right now. How do you begin the process?

Well I will expound on that, those who follow me on twitter know that I have an exclusive club that started in 2011 called Living in the Moment Book Club. I started the club one because I am an educator, and I love reading. I often read several books at the same time because I want to get so much information or I'm just crazy, and two I wanted to share the experience with those who followed me to enrich their lives. Every book I choose is an inspirational book. It is always a book that leads to some form of growth and personal development. I suggest that the club members purchase the book to add to their personal libraries, but if they can't it is often found online free or at the local public library.

This is the beginning of the process. You have to develop yourself beyond where you are for things to change or get better. Your best thinking has only gotten you to where you are right now, so if you can take a short cut and borrow someone else experience or story or life journey in a book, or some other form why not. They call this shortening your learning curve (the rate at which someone learns something).

Time will continue to move and things will either remain the same for you if you do nothing different or ultimately change for you because you take action and invest in your success which is the name of the game. Utilize everything that you can to achieve your desires. Don't let anyone tell you that it's not possible for you. A friend of mine, Millionaire business owner, former postal worker from Washington, D.C. Mr.Michael Humes coined a phrase, "Nothing can stop a man or woman who will not quit." Just don't quit on your dreams.

To Your Success,
DS Woodard


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