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Get Ready, Set, Go

It is a wonderful day this eighth of September. How we view the next 90 days is so crucial. Focus has to be laser. The goals that you have set for 2013 should be coming together. These last months that end the year should be your most profitable.

How do you get ready to go from where you are to where you said you want to be? You must have vision, then you must have faith in the unseen to act on your behalf. Things always work out, the degree to which things happen is up to you. We are not coasting to the finish line, we are going to run full speed ahead and actually lunge forward as we cross the goal line we set for 2013.

Now we are in the fourth quarter. We have plenty of time, yet we must stay focused. The distraction of football season and the holidays will start to make a difference in how our year ends.

Some changes may be necessary to your plans at this point. If you have been working on something and it is giving you negative or unfruitful results you have to decide to stop that plan, rethink or revise it.

Life is a game of chess not checkers, you have to be strategic and thoughtful in your planning in order to make your next move. The energy of the universe is your opponent.
You are either in line with your desires or not. If you are living them you are in line with them other wise you are not. If you see yourself moving forward then that is what you want. Small movement is movement and should not be discounted.

Get ready to press to the mark of the higher calling you have set for your life, get set by focusing on the goals lists you have and know that you can achieve them one at a time. Go and do the things necessary to make it happen. Take action daily and keep your mind focused on only what you want.

I truly and sincerely want to make a difference in others life experience, and trust and know that those who follow this blog have gained some wisdom and made great changes in their lives and the lives of their families.

To Your Success,
DS Woodard


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