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The Value of Listening

Good morning. This has been a wonderful start to the summer. We are learning to grow, develop, and mature the DS Woodard Consulting Brand. We appreciate those who find value in our free post and continue to return.

There is a value in learning to listen. There is nothing like a person of wisdom spending time and willing to share what they know with you and you miss it because you have to show them how much you know. Over talking people is a sign that you are not listening.

We have gathered many years of collective wisdom. We are still just a portion of the way to the goals we have set for our business enterprise, and even once we have earned our first million, we will continue to seek wisdom, advice and continued learning from those who have carved out the paths to success.

It is mandatory that we at DS Woodard Consulting listen to a minimum of two hours of personal development every day. That really is a low end value, we typically listen to or read some form of personal development in the amounts that most people watch television or listen to the radio.

This is valuable to us. We are listening to others and this gives our minds exercise and fitness.
It increases that which we know. This helps us to take inspired action and to move forward confidently.

We encourage you to consider the source from which you get your information. You have two ears and one mouth for a very distinct reason. We really should listen more and speak less. Most people do the opposite. Listening takes practice. We were actually encouraged to talk when we were only a few months old. We are never encouraged to actively listen as we grow up. Our minds are capable of anything that we command it to do. The human mind has over 60,000 thoughts per day. This is one reason it is easier to talk, than to listen.

Listening is an art and must be practiced. If you are in a conversation with someone to actively listen you should not be waiting for a pause so you can jump in. In sales once a question is asked there should be a pause, truthfully we fear the silence of a pause,but it is a great strategy in negotiations. The first one to speak after the question is asked, and there is a pause has conceded to the one who remains silent. The silence is a form of control.

Techniques to help you actively listen: Take notes. If you are taking notes of the conversation you can't possibly be thinking of something to say and if you do, then you can write it down and ask it at the appropriate time. Once the person speaking has paused or ended their statement, repeat what you have heard; ie "So what you're saying is? or If I understand you correctly what you said is? This is actively listening and can be mastered with practice. This shows the client or the potential business associate or partner that you actually care.

How can you service a client when you have no idea what they like, or do not like or what their preferences are and what they will not tolerate? No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. This is true in business and in your personal life.

Practice active listening more in your day to day interactions. Hear what the person is saying and gather an understanding from what they have said.

To your success,
DS Woodard


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