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Personal Development to Create Change

Good morning, This month has been so productive and busy. We looked up and we only had one post for this month and it ends next week. This is a good thing yet we want to stay consistent for those who are growing and utilize this blog as a tool. We appreciate you all and want your continued success as we approach the second month of the third quarter of 2013.

In the world of work, Jim Rohn calls "reality" we have to see how easy it is to become successful. It is easy,but most people are unhappily satisfied with mediocrity. They believe the non-sense they have been told about how things work and how they are to behave and live their life. It really only requires study, desire, and taking action to change anything.

What daily actions are you taking to improve on that which you know? Why do you complain about the way things are while you are still unwilling to take the simple steps that will help point you in the right direction? We recently met a beautiful woman who we befriended and told her we would give her free mentor-ship to help her achieve a few particular goals she wants to achieve. Our only stipulation was that she had to purchase our goals setting book, Y.O.L.O, available on for less than $6.00.

She happens to reside in a different time-zone from us so that would help her if she had to work at it on her own at times she could not reach us,and we could have a starting place that could be tracked because we have specific steps in the book. We started the mentoring with out the book and she saw immediate results so she got the book. We had our next phone consultation and she had the book, but had not read it. We had the next phone consultation and she had not read it, she is still seeing results yet we want her to set the goals. That is the point. To arrive at a specific destination you must know where you are going.

Your mentor can only take you so far, you must at some point become self-reliant. You must at some point start to grow. Like the bible says, I Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, when I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. NIV version This means that you have to grow and develop into the grown-up that you say you want to be. You have to take it upon yourself to do the work that is required.

When you choose not to develop yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically you have no one to blame for your life circumstance, but yourself. Your parents did their job the best that they could do. They are only here to guide you. Once you leave them, at the age of 18 or preferably at 21 when the reasoning portion of your brain becomes active, everything they taught you was the best they had to give. It is then up to you to explore, seek, and become wise by asking life questions.

The person we mentioned is well past the age of having left her parents, yet she still lives her life in a way that would suggest something different,not bad, but unfulfilled. We love sharing and giving, we just want you to move past the infant stage into adolescence and then into adulthood and maturity. It's what you say you want and it's easy to do, but anything easy to do is easy not to do. We want you to strive towards enjoying your golden years debt-free and joyous with the physical vitality that allows you the ability to do as you choose.

There is no wrong or right way of living our experience called life.
If you are not willing to take action and be bold, you have no right to complain about where you are. Developing yourself is personal because you are all at different places in your lives,you all have a free-will and it is up to you individually what you will give your time and attention to.

Don't forget, time moves forward; and you are not getting out of life alive. As we said a few weeks ago, December 31,2013 will be here at the end of next quarter. Has anything changed for you? Have you made any progress since January? If not, and New Year's Eve comes and you look back and it appears just as it did last year 2012, wouldn't that just be wrong?

To Your Success,


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