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Personality Training 101

Good morning. We enjoyed the training this past week and look forward to implementing what we learned into our program. One of the things that we want to implement into our program is the personality styles of individuals. We know about them, but learned even more this week and we know it will help you in the achievement of your aspirations and goals.

When you know what type of person you are and what type those around you are it will help you in seeing why you take action in the way that you do. There are generally 4 personality types. Depending on the industry you are in they may have different names or colors. They are all still the same. I will use the type and colors that one of our trainers, Ms. Patti Santilli used. I will include the links to the information I gathered. Some of the information is in the work book we used, but is generally the same. ,, (links are not live).

The 4 types are as follows: Driver/Green, Analytical/Yellow,Expressive/Red and Amiable/Blue. an Expressive/Analytical. Most people are a strong combination of two. We all tend to have a bit of each type; however when you read the definitions you will know your type and any combination that you are.

We want you to also note that no personality type is better or worse than another, it has been researched by psychologist and is a tool to help you evaluate your performance in life and give you a new perspective on how to interact with others.

The Driver is the get it done,now person.
The driver likes to get it done expeditiously. You are decisive, enthusiastic and prefer to be in control. You like quick action using the information that is readily available. You know what you want and are not afraid to let people know it. You normally have little to no emotion and make your decisions quickly and assertively. You speak forcefully and prefer discussing things verbally. You are straight and to the point and look for the bottom line. You are perceived by others as arrogant. You don't like complexities and uncertainties. You have little patience for the small details that don't point to a clear outcome. You like to have a say in the outcome of what's going on. You will appear to others to be intimidating, you don't like a lot of data or analytical details. Your preference is quick and to the point.

The Analytical is reserved and usually a quiet person.
You like to get to the bottom of things. You are curious and want to know from your inward self what holds the world together. You are a modest person. You are one of the introverted personalities. You would prefer to work in solitude instead of a group or team. You really want just the facts. You prefer to acquire all of the details and facts which you analyze in order to come to the right decision. You will usually put a distance between yourself and others so that you can gain clarity, since you are an observer of life. Superficial chatter of others is often annoying. You like to have lots of quiet time to yourself to concentrate on the really important things, the structuring of ideas,and the comprehension of the complex universe. You absorb new information as a sponge and your memory of irrelevant information is easily forgotten or deleted from your data base. You like third party validation. You often are your biggest critic, and will examine your ideas and discard those that are contradictory or lack logic. Your preference is not to discuss personal details with others.

The Expressive loves the spot-light. You are the life of the party and must be the center of attention. You have very high emotions and make decisions rather quickly. You love to talk. You tend to run late, over-commit and have a rushed lifestyle. You want to have the focus in a group and will pout if you are ignored. To you image is everything. You are outspoken, upbeat and enthusiastic. You are usually bored very easily,which is something you do not like and you are usually very impatient. You prefer informal discussions and can be very persuasive. You are flashy, and big on bling. You will usually have bright colored or flashy clothing,jewelry and cars, or houses that are very showy. You are animated and lively when you speak or tell stories and can hold the attention of others, yet you tend to get off topic very quickly. You are charismatic,charming,well liked and very popular. You thrive on recognition. You are responsive to others and very assertive.

The Amiable is very reliable and trustworthy.
You are all about people. You are highly responsive and sensitive to other peoples feelings. You tend to be high in emotion and make decisions slowly. You are a team player. You are warm and friendly and want an outcome where everyone can win. You are caring and nurturing,you genuinely listen to others and are usually very soft spoken. You like to get along and you want everyone to get along with one another. You are uncomfortable in any type of disagreement. You have an interest in other peoples lives and are a true team player. You can come across to others as sweet and sappy or overly sentimental. You are uncomfortable when people don't get along,and would prefer a win-win outcome. You don't like independent activities and decision making. You will rarely stick up for your own position in the face of opposition and would prefer a compromise. You like to please others and want everyone to like you. You like sincerity, and you like people to be concerned about you,your family and your friends lives. You care about others.

This information is so vital in your achievement of your goals. Find your personality type and even if you are a certain type you can glean from the other types to make moderate changes that will affect your outcomes.

As I said I know my personality type, I have studied people and the universe for so long, being the analytical that I am,and that allows me to work on the parts of me that are slowing me down in achieving certain goals. The Expressive side of me tends to over commit and run late, a recent example, I committed to do a tele-seminar on last Saturday knowing that I had too much else to do to prepare for the training seminar this past week.

I was being trained and I had to present as well, but I thought I could give you something of value before I left. However, The analytical side of me would not let me present to you a half-done tele-seminar training, so it did not happen at all. It is coming, but I missed the Saturday June 8th date.

If I can use more of a driver personality style, then I can get to it quickly with what I already know. If I can use a little of the amiable personality then I can become a little more reliable by meeting my deadlines or setting more realistic ones. These 4 personality traits can help you in your relationships with your children, parents, co-workers,employers, and employees so that you can have a more harmonious co-existence because now you will know that the driver,analytical,expressive and the amiable all hold a different view the world.

This is all for today, enjoy your week-end.
To your success,
DS Woodard


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