Good afternoon, thank you for your time. We appreciate you joining us here at DS Woodard Consulting. We are implementing new systems to grow our business and to reach more groups and individuals in need of our services.
Time, is our only true asset,yet it depreciates and we can't get it back. How are you spending or investing your time? The calendar tells us that we have reached the 5th month of the year 2013. We ourselves are happy for our growth to this point this year, however we really could be achieving more.
The clock and the calender are a continuous reminder that time truly does not wait. It is up to us how we spend or invest each moment. We will have days like today the 1st of the new month where we tend to evaluate our previous months performance and then jump straight into the new month frazzled and stressed because we have not taken the time to strategically plan for the upcoming month or we feel we have not accomplished what we set out to do fully.
If we give ourselves a break and trace our steps backwards we usually find that we accomplished many great things. Our society is so high pressured that it does create unnecessary mental pain. The release of our book,"Y.O.L.O," has given us a great new platform, yet that comes with a great deal of new responsibilities to create it's success.
Take a look back at the goals you set for 2013 in January. If you have been working with us you have made progress. If you have only followed us on our blog, and did what we said do, you have to see growth. Now you can take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Celebrate every one of your accomplishments. We have a hard time seeing where we were and how we've grown. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Don't forget YOU are a born leader,you are a born winner & you are born for greatness. Don't let too much time pass before you make any needed adjustments if you don't see the results that you are expecting for this years end, December 31, 2013. Jim Rohn said,"You don't have twenty more years to do things, you only have twenty more times, not years."
We are going to start doing twice weekly blog post as we approach the mid-year check point. Stay strong.
To Your Success
DS Woodard
Time, is our only true asset,yet it depreciates and we can't get it back. How are you spending or investing your time? The calendar tells us that we have reached the 5th month of the year 2013. We ourselves are happy for our growth to this point this year, however we really could be achieving more.
The clock and the calender are a continuous reminder that time truly does not wait. It is up to us how we spend or invest each moment. We will have days like today the 1st of the new month where we tend to evaluate our previous months performance and then jump straight into the new month frazzled and stressed because we have not taken the time to strategically plan for the upcoming month or we feel we have not accomplished what we set out to do fully.
If we give ourselves a break and trace our steps backwards we usually find that we accomplished many great things. Our society is so high pressured that it does create unnecessary mental pain. The release of our book,"Y.O.L.O," has given us a great new platform, yet that comes with a great deal of new responsibilities to create it's success.
Take a look back at the goals you set for 2013 in January. If you have been working with us you have made progress. If you have only followed us on our blog, and did what we said do, you have to see growth. Now you can take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Celebrate every one of your accomplishments. We have a hard time seeing where we were and how we've grown. Give yourself a pat on the back.
Don't forget YOU are a born leader,you are a born winner & you are born for greatness. Don't let too much time pass before you make any needed adjustments if you don't see the results that you are expecting for this years end, December 31, 2013. Jim Rohn said,"You don't have twenty more years to do things, you only have twenty more times, not years."
We are going to start doing twice weekly blog post as we approach the mid-year check point. Stay strong.
To Your Success
DS Woodard
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