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Good afternoon, Today is the last day of May. Tomorrow is Day one of the mid-year point in our conventional calender. Today is a perfect day to assess how much progress have you actually made since the beginning of the year and how much more can you get done before December 31,2013.

Happy Friday or as most say "thank God it's Friday." Well if you are still in the game of life then this is a great day no matter what day it is. However I do want you to work diligently during your weekends and your weekdays. This is very important now more than ever. The summer season brings the opportunity to have a lot more fun outdoors since the weather is agreeable; but like Jim Rohn says," Don't get faked out, by the warm weather and the sun."

Think like the ant or the farmer. The ant thinks winter all summer. He knows that this great weather gives him the opportunity to gather and store for the up coming fall/winter season. The farmer knows that he can't be out playing around during the planting season. He knows that he only has a small window of time to plant to get the results he desires for the up coming harvest season.

To have the things you have never had you must do the things you have never done. Success requires discipline. Only 3% of the population is wealthy. This is not an accident. Wealthy and successful individuals and businesses operate with a purpose and they continue to make the choices that ultimately lead to success. Wealthy and successful individuals take classes to improve their outcomes, they read books and listen to audio information. Wouldn't it be easy to read a book or take a seminar or listen to an audio system from someone who studied it for 5 or 10 years and you could get the information they learned in an hour or 5 hours. This is what wealthy and successful individuals and businesses do.

The second thing that must be done is the implementation of what is learned. You must also do the work. Take the time at the end of each day,each week, each month and each year and assess what you have accomplished. What happens to most people and businesses is they allow too much time to go by before they do an assessment of how they are doing. They are then faced with the reality of their circumstances and it is not profitable.

Jim Rohn was such a wise leader he often said," Shouldn't you be expected to make reasonable progress in a reasonable amount of time?" The answer is yes. This is where disciple comes in. He also said," Discipline weighs ounces, and regret weighs tons."

A few hours spent in the evening after work or on the weekend once the children are off to bed and the spouse is occupied and not needing your attention takes discipline to build your legacy or to create the life you say you desire. The latest television show or the news will be there even if you don't give it your attention. If you have been following us and have not created any of the goals you set for this year, something is wrong with your plan. We lay this out in easy, simple steps, and it is free. You must do the work.

DS Woodard Consulting is growing at a fast pace and we do the things we teach. What you focus on grows positive or negative. We will have a goal setting tel-seminar on June 8,2013. Next week we will give you the information needed to participate. There is no charge for this seminar it is our thank you for the success of our first book, Y.O.L.O


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