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Taking Action to Achieve

Good evening to all. We have been so busy with the new project working with the Tennessee market. It has been very successful to date. It does take time to learn each new system. We have a good handle on it now and will be flying back to Tennessee in about two weeks. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve others in a new market.

This weekend marks the time we celebrate our military. Those currently serving and those who are veteran's such as myself and others here at DS Woodard Consulting. We honor everyone who has given their voluntary service for the good of our great country. We love the freedom that you afford us.

This weekend you must take some action to make certain that you are achieving the goals that you have set for this year 2013. We know that it's a holiday, however you have to stay focused. The things that you do today and every day show in the results that you have in your very near future.

We listen to Jim Rohn daily and we love what he says about setting goals and achieving them. One of his seminars he ask the question, "how many years would you give your child to pass the 4th grade? Approximately? One, right?" He then goes on to say that one year is a reasonable amount of time to complete the fourth grade, and we expect our child to get it done in one year. If this is so then why do we go year after year with out making any progress? Why do we continue along the path that we know is getting us no where?

We are not checking our results in a reasonable amount of time. We let time slip by and get comfortable in the mediocrity that is easy to maintain. This is why we have attempted to stay on those who choose to follow this blog. We want you to get the discipline of checking your results, daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 months, and every year. This is a discipline to create success that everyone say's they want to attain.

So like the Nike logo say's "Just Do It." It's Saturday night and you have an extra day off for the coming week. Make sure that you have assessed your actions and results for the previous week and have set your goals for the short week ahead. Have fun and enjoy your friends and family time, just remember that this time next week we are at the mid-year point, June is upon us and December 31st will arrive right on schedule.

Final note, we have been working on an audio program to expand the teachings in the mini book "Y.O.L.O" many of those who got the book have asked for more insight and guidance, so this is why the audio workshop comes into being. We expect it to be available for your success at the beginning of August. It will combine teachings of book one "Y.O.L.O" and book two "Now What?" We expect book two to be available by Mid-June. We will offer a discounted price on the audio program to those who sign up for our up coming free tele-seminar scheduled for June 8th.

To Your Success
D.S. Woodard


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