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Exposure is Everything, but the Fortune is in the Follow up

Good Afternoon, Today we hope to find you prosperous, healthy,and wise, enjoying the beautiful day that is your now and staying focused on what is important to you. We are very excited today we just left a meeting with our producer for the upcoming audio program and we are right on schedule to fulfill that goal.

As we approach the mid-year point in time, we have to remind ourselves of the goals that we set on January 1,2013. Even if you did not make a New Year's resolution, you had some thoughts about how you would like things to be for you and your family in the year of 2013. We talk of this often, and we have good reason. As stated in the title of this post, Exposure is everything, but the fortune is in the follow up.

This is very true in any business that you have. We were in a training last evening with our millionaire coach, Mr. Antonio Adair and he had some very powerful lessons that we want to pass on to you. One of the things he teaches is success and goal setting. It does not matter what you want to achieve, the principles are the same. He said the common eye looks, but the rare eye sees or has vision. This is true of successful and wealthy people.

He taught from "Think and Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill. He taught from his favorite chapters 2,3, & 8. Chapter 2 is Desire, Chapter 3 is Faith: Visualization of and Belief in Attainment of Desire and Chapter 8 is Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination. To attain your goals whatever they are you must follow all 17 of the principles in the Think and Grow Rich book. These 3 are plenty to give you a mid year boost.

You should have this book in your personal library; however I have a link for you.

Wealthy people think their way to success. They have a different mind-set.
They know that their thoughts have power and control their destiny. He said the highways of life are paved with flattened squirrels that didn't make a decision. Now we can use that as a metaphor to our lives are we in the middle of the road or the middle of the year and still not making a decision and life is the car or truck that is running us over while we indecisively stand in the middle not going in any direction? We have to focus on the success we want to achieve.

To expose someone to your business opportunity or your employer to your great level of business skills is everything. Our fortune comes when we follow up on the activity we set into motion. How many people have you let know what it is you do for a living or as a business owner? If you are in sales you may work for a company, but you are really an independent consultant to that company. How many sales calls have you made this week, this month, this year? Did you keep a record of those calls? How many times have you followed up with the potential customer to get a decision? These are things that successful people do. They make the first call and then they continue to follow up, as one of my former sales managers would say,"until they buy or die."

You will have to keep working on your philosophy, your way of thinking has to get stronger and stronger.
Make wise decisions daily and things will begin to change for you and your family. You have to see it(rare eye) before it is manifest into the material world. It may take some time. What else do you have to do?

Last exercise we got from Mr. Adair and this is not for the squeamish. Men take the number 70 and women take the number 75 subtract that from your current age, the number you get multiply by 365. This is your lifetime starting today. Unless you defy the national averages. So get on with it.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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