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We are so happy to be back to the office. We visited the great state of Tennessee, this past week. It was a very good experience and we appreciate the wonderful accommodations that were provided for us. The group of people we met with were very kind and generous. We always have great expectations that we will be treated well everywhere we go. This is what we experienced.

What are you expecting this month? Have you set your goals and created a guide to achieving them? The ideas and visions that you are giving thought to are what you will experience. Getting to your dreamed of life is easy. One day at a time, one goal at a time.

When you have a vision this is the molding of what you are expecting. We want you to start creating on purpose. This takes work and focus. The things we have envisioned for DS Woodard Consulting are global. We actually have a global presence, yet we take it one step at a time, one project at a time. The trip to Tennessee was a step into a new market. We are very pleased with the things we learned and that is what helps us create a new plan for that market. It also helped us see that there is a market there and we can grow in that area.

You must get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is your normal expectation of your daily life. You know that if you go to your normal job, you can expect your normal pay at the end of the week. This is good, but you say you want to be great and you want to live an extraordinary life. "For things to change you have to change, don't wish it was easier wish you were better." Jim Rohn.

Becoming better does not mean that you are not good. Becoming better just means you want more.
We all desire more in our lives. It is the way the universe is set up. If you were not suppose to grow, you would not have dreams and desires. We are grateful that we have continued desires and we grow. We are thankful that the way we live in our society is constantly changing and expanding. A few short years ago, the words we write in this blog and in our books and essays, or the classes we teach would have been mere thoughts that we kept to ourselves, had someone not expanded their thinking and created the world wide web. A few short years ago the information highway did not exist to the masses, only to those scientist who created it for their purpose had its' use.

We know that it is the beginning of the weekend, but we want you to create a list of what you have accomplished this week. Make that list as long as it needs to be.
If you find that you have nothing to put on the list, go back to the list you created for May 1st, and review it to see what you said you wanted to achieve this month. If you did not create a list of goals for May, then go back to your April list of goals. Remember that you must plan, do, and review what you are doing to get to the place you said you want to be, by this years end, December 31,2013. This year is going to be greater than 2012. You must keep pushing and you will reach your goals, one goal at a time, one day at a time. Stay focused. Have a great weekend.

To your success,
DS Woodard


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