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Success is What YOU say it is

Good Evening, We are so excited at DS Woodard Consulting. We are proud to announce that our first book project is complete and ready for you. We have placed the direct links into the blog for your convenience. We appreciate all of the support and well wishes. We look forward to your success story as you continue to grow and move forward in the achievement of your dreams and goals.

Success is defined as; the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of ones' goals. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. Earl Nightingale said," Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

I added the link to the recording above for your success. I actually heard this 6 years ago. A Millionaire, Mr.Antonio Adair, who I was in business with suggested it. I had lived more than a third of my life and had never come across this information. I was so impressed, and I was a little sad. This recording was done in 1956. It was around 2006 when I was introduced to it. I was well into my career and my "average" lifestyle. I had achieved the B.S. level in my educational career and to that point I had not heard any of this information. I had heard many of the more modern motivational speakers, but this CD is so simplistic and a little more in your face, no sugar coating.

This is life changing information. This is how generational wealth is created. The information in this recording is the beginning of the motivational and inspirational industry. That is why if you look at most of your personal development books and recordings you will see the publisher is" Nightingale-Conant."

The month of April is coming to a close quickly. What have you accomplished this month? You cannot forget that it is the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2013, and December 31st will be here before you know it.

I followed the tragic events of this past week, and I came across the story of the 27 year old, Jeff Bauman who lost both of his legs in the Marathon bombing in Boston. I was moved deeply by his story. This young man was there like most to cheer on his girlfriend, supporting her right at the finish line. He was the one who one day after he lost his legs, awoke from the heavy sedation of medication he was given due to the trauma, and asked for pen and paper. He looked his attacker in his eyes and used every bit of courage and strength he had to inform the FBI so that he could help find him.

I use this story because I want you to dig deep within you, with all of the reasons you could have to not move forward in your journey to create your success that you have always dreamed of, and I want you to think of Jeff Bauman, what he experienced, and the courage that he had after that experience, to live another day, with his whole life changed and he simply went to see a race. He had no idea that he would be a victim of a random act of violence; yet he also choose to be a hero, he choose to live another day and tell his story. You have no excuse that is valid. What steps are you going to take today?

To your success,
DS Woodard


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