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Are you getting it done?

Today is the beginning of the second quarter of 2013. We have been working with the editors, publishers on Amazon, and the management team here at DSWoodard Consulting to meet the April 10th release date for our 1st e-book, Y.O.L.O. This is a series, so the first part is the beginning. We are getting it done, but it is like everything else in our lives. It takes time and although it is our purpose to help others design the life they want, we can lose track of where we are going and how long it's taking.

I must admit that this new endeavor has opened our eyes to more possibilities than we had imagined. We are so excited to share what we have put together that it is hard to keep it to ourselves. We are not perfect, but we want it to be.

As you embrace the beginning of spring and the beauty that it brings with the blossoms and the green grass and the leaves turning green, the birds singing like there is not a care in the world, don't get faked out. Make sure you are measuring where you are in relation to the goals you set for 2013. How did you do financially and personally for the first three months of this year?

Don't get me wrong. I was getting on the beltway the other day and I saw one tree with it's white blossoms beginning to appear and it made me smile, it was a beautiful reminder of the coming spring season. The DC metro area can be one of the most beautiful places to be when the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom.

We still can't get faked out.
Once you set your goals January 1st, you have to now nurture those goals. You must read books, take classes, and attend self development seminars to grow into who you said you want to be by December 31,2013. When others are watching the latest episode of the newest reality show, you must dictate to your mind what it is you want it to focus on daily, weekly,monthly and yearly.

Are you getting it done? What new book have you read since January 1st? What classes have you taken or what seminar or workshop have you attended? It's April already and you can best believe it will be December 31st in a minute and you'll be singing "Auld Lang Syne," which means, The times gone past, the good old days.

If things look for you and your family the same as they did last year, you might not feel as good as the Scottish did when they began that tradition.

I talk with hundreds of people daily and I'm not writing this just because,but there are thousands of people who can not provide for their families the lifestyle they prefer and they continue to do the same thing day after day month after month and year after year. I spoke with a client just yesterday, who was so frustrated about his job and his boss and his inability to provide for his family. I told him point blank, leave the job, it's not getting better.(Not quit without a plan,he has another job offer, I wanted to qualify that) His reply was I'm gonna give it one more month. He's been there for seven months. I told him it is what it is.

Jim Rohn said it best, "For things to change, you have to change. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better." You have to develop yourself and then implement a plan. For those who are interested we are launching the e-book series on April 10th. The book is so that you can have something tangible of value to refer back to, when you get stuck or don't know what you should be doing to design and achieve your goals. It is our pleasure to serve those who are ready.

To your success,
DS Woodard


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