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Transform your life today

It's a great Spring day in the DC Metro area. We had a light snow and slush storm. This was a great day to be creative and thoughtful and put things into perspective.

Here at DSWoodard Consulting we have been working on our first e-book," Y.O.L.O." We are very happy with the finished product and will be launching it for your success on April 10,2013. The timing is perfect for those looking to achieve certain goals by this years end and beyond.

It is the end of the third month of 2013 or the end of the 1st quarter of the year.
It's gone and it is a great time to evaluate where you are in relation to your goals and objectives you have set for the year. Most people wait until December 31st or January 1st to make any kind of assessment. This is too late since most people have a tendency to repeat what they did last year. This way of living year after year doing the same thing and each year looks the same as the last. After 30 years of making a living, not designing your life you are disappointed about how things turned out. This is not living, this is existing. Then you come to the later years of your life saying what happened, why am I living month to month with just enough to get by after many years of service to a company?

You have to have a plan, now. It is one step at a time. Transforming your life is a decision.
You have to decide how you want to live now and in your future. Confucius said," Do what you love and never work a day in your life." This life is a journey and each day there is a new you that is waiting for you to decide this is what I will do with my time to ensure that I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.

Take the first step today if you are looking at your 1st quarter results and they are the same as they were last year and the year before that. It is up to you to make the transformation. Decide to begin.

We will look forward to hearing your success story at this year's end. Make sure you get the e-book,"Y.O.L.O." it will be the first in a series to guide you along the path of your success and transformation.

Don't take life so seriously, have fun enjoy your moments, As far as anyone knows, You only live once, so make the most of it.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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