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My best Year Ever!!

How will you make this your best year ever?  Start where you are.  This is easy enough.  Next, open your mind to the possibility that you can have your best year ever.  Now what to do next?  Create a plan.  It does not have to be a perfect plan, just some ideas you have about what you want to create for your life this year.

  It's the end of January and the beginning of the year 2012, a perfect time to begin what ever you want starting today.  

 D. S. Woodard Consulting is here to help guide you.  We have a few steps to offer you that can get you started. 

1.  Breath, relax, exhale.  This is your life, no one is making you do anything.  Even if you begin  something new like a business, or a new career choice, you will survive.  Until you die there is plenty of time for success and failure(errors).  You can always begin again.  Henry Ford said, " Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

2.  Look at the things you are naturally good at doing.  These are your gifts and talents, you can use them as ideas while you are deciding what your venture should be. 

3.  Ask for help, most  professionals will give a consultation on their services, some free and some for a small fee.  The internet is full of information and we live in the high tech information age.  Come into the 21st century this is the year 2012.  Most of the answers to your questions are a few keystrokes away, like this blog presented at no charge to you from D S Woodard Consulting. 

Good luck, and to your success,
D.S. Woodard


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